Below is a list of items “not to do”:

  1. The number one problem when building a website, is not knowing why a website is being created. Usually someone executive tells somebody to do it without saying what the overall idea of the website should be. Before any website is created, there should be some overall goal mentioned.
  2. The VPs try to be designers. So you end up with a very data oriented site with lots of information, but not very appealing. Figure out your target audience and then work towards a design that will be appealing to your target audience.
  3. Do not fall into the trap of organizing your website like your company hierarchical chart. The website structure should be created based on the tasks users want to do on your website.
  4. Outsourcing your website projects to different agencies can make your website end up looking like a quilt with mismatched patches. Consistency is most important to end up with a usable interactive design.
  5. A major mistake a lot of organizations make is accounting for website maintenance after initial launch. The internet is constantly changing so rapidly that a major redesign is recommended annually. If you simply spend money to build a fabulous site and do not keep it updated, your investment will quickly turn out to be wasted.
  6. Do not treat your website as a secondary medium. The best way to get the most out of your content is to create it for your website first.

Looking for expert website management? Well, you have come to the right place. It doesn’t matter if you are Toronto or Vancouver or California for that matter. We are your global website management team.

Contact us today for a free review of your current website, or to discuss your new website project.

WMS Admin

WMS Admin

Website Management Services provides global website management services to about 200 small and medium sized business around the world. Specializing in SEO, social media marketing, website development and more...