A website is a superb platform and way to promote yourself, as an individual, group or business. Not only is it a way to deliver information but also to sell products and services. But in order to catch the attention of your target audience, you need to optimize your content and website so that it ranks up high on search engine rankings. But in this pursuit, a lot of website owners tend to make some major mistakes related to SEO. These mistakes not only result in creating a bad image of your business/site but can also lead to Google ranking your website even lower.

The following is a list of the top 7 SEO mistakes and blunders to avoid:

  1. Stuffing keywords-keyword stuffing is one of the worst things one can do on their website and rather than boosting its ranking, this shady tactic may attract Google’s attention and put you at a risk.
  2. Broken links-a broken link is a hyperlink which doesn’t point to its intended destination and having such links on your website is yet another major SEO mistake you must avoid. No visitor likes to click on a link to find it not working or pointing to an irrelevant page. Bad links can earn you a bad reputation and also affects your rankings.
  3. Copied content-stealing or copying content for your website is something which not only affects your Google ranking but also creates a bad reputation. It is much better to create unique and high quality content so as to stand a chance to feature up higher on search engines.
  4. Non unique Meta descriptions and title tags-page titles and Meta descriptions must always be unique and should be reflective of the content they point out to. This helps you boost your ranking and direct users to correct destinations.
  5. Not using the right keywords to optimize your content-another big SEO mistake that must be avoided is not using the right or appropriate keywords to optimize your content. Not only do you need to use keywords that people use to search for products or services on search engines but those which actually describe what you do. For example, if you own a shoe selling business then you can’t use keywords that describe you as a ‘clothing seller’ and so on.
  6. Irrelevant anchor text links-anchor text is basically clickable hypertext links on a web page. Since these links are the main food for search engine crawlers, they must be created smartly by SEO experts and using irrelevant is nothing but a mistake.
  7. Links from non credible sources-it is true that it is hard to get links from quality sites, quality of links you get should not be substituted by quantity.

There are many SEO experts, companies, free website audit tools and free SEO audit report tools that can help you avoid these mistakes and deliver the best quality optimization for your site and one of them is Deltadecisions.com. We are a web management and development company that can boost your business’s visibility and help you promote yourself much more efficiently. Contact us today!

WMS Admin

WMS Admin

Website Management Services provides global website management services to about 200 small and medium sized business around the world. Specializing in SEO, social media marketing, website development and more...